So, you’ve finally taken the plunge and treated yourself to a revitalizing sports massage. Congrats! But the question arises, what’s next?

Whether you’re a skier, a hiker, or just an all-round sports enthusiast, sports massage is a fantastic way to soothe those aching muscles and revitalize your body. But just like any other therapy, what you do after your sports massage is crucial to maximize its benefits.

So, let’s delve into the nitty-gritty and unravel what to do after a sports massage!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Ever wondered why your massage therapist always hands you a glass of water after a session? It’s because hydration is key after a sports massage. Denver’s high altitude can cause dehydration quicker than at sea level, so this step is especially important here.

The massage increases circulation, causing your kidneys to flush out toxins. Drinking plenty of water helps your body get rid of these toxins. Avoid alcohol as it dehydrates the body.

Rest and Recover

You might feel like you’ve been through a workout, and that’s because your muscles have been manipulated and worked on. It’s absolutely essential to allow your body to rest after a sports massage.

Try to schedule your appointment on a day where you can take it easy afterwards. Take a nap, read a book, listen to some music – do whatever relaxes you. Avoid strenuous activity for at least 24 hours to let your body recover.

Nourish Your Body

Just like after a workout, your body needs fuel to recover after a sports massage.

Eat a meal rich in protein to help repair your muscles. Also include complex carbohydrates for energy. Avoid spicy or heavy meals that could upset your stomach.

Stretch and Move Gently

Although you should avoid intense exercise, gentle movement can actually help reduce muscle stiffness after your sports massage.

  • Stretch gently to help your muscles relax and lengthen.
  • Take a short walk to stimulate blood flow.
  • Practice some light yoga poses to maintain flexibility.

Remember, everyone’s body responds differently to massage. Always listen to your body and give it the care it needs.

The takeaway here is to listen to your body and give it the nourishment, rest, and gentle movement it needs after a sports massage. Denver’s stunning surroundings and healthy lifestyle make it an ideal location to get a sports massage and enjoy a recovery day. Remember, self-care doesn’t end when the massage does; it’s just the beginning!

Now that you are more tuned-in to your body than ever, consider prolonging this state by scheduling regular sports massage sessions. Not only does it help keep the body in prime condition, but it also prepares the body and mind for future activities. Visit Motion Massage for the best sports massage in Denver!